Rhinoplasty Without the Surgery: Is It Possible? The Shocking Truth

Here’s a little known secret kept by some of the A-listers in and around Beverly Hills: you don’t need to go under to drastically alter the appearance of your nose. Rhinoplasty is one of the most in demand services in plastic surgeon offices. However, recovery can be long and leave the face swollen and bruised for quite some time. We truly understand it when our clients say they’d rather forego shopping on Rodeo covered in bandages! That’s why we’re LA’s leading specialists in non-surgical rhinoplasty.

How Does It Work?

The journey to a vibrant, more confident you always begins with what goals you have in mind. Tell us what you wish you could change about your nose to help you feel more confident in your body. Perhaps you’ve always dreamed of having a more delicate profile, or would like a nose that isn’t so aquiline, or sharp angled. Maybe you don’t know what you want at all! That’s okay. Try browsing some of the success stories and before and after photos of clients with noses similar to yours, which you can find on our website, robertkotlermd.com. You can also learn about Dr. Robert Kotler’s decades of experience as a surgeon and medical instructor for USC and UCLA. He’s handled thousands of cases like yours, and he can help you to accomplish a body image that will help you radiate positivity, inside and out.

Non-Surgical Methods

Although we try to be as little invasive as possible, surgical rhinoplasties can involve the necessary purposeful fracturing or shaving down of nasal bone. This allows for some incredible results. However, many of our patients are hesitant about going under, so that’s why Dr. Robert Kotler has striven to offer identical results without the use of surgery. The expert use of medical grade silicone filler in small, minuscule injections around the structure of your nose will allow us to successfully contour and reshape it. What’s unique about this method is that the body will begin to form thin layers of tissue in response to the filler, meaning that your adjustments are a real, genuine part of your natural nose.

New Year, New You

Are you worried about long recovery times after plastic surgery? You’d be surprised to learn that non-surgical rhinoplasty procedures only take 30 minutes, and you’ll be in and out of the office same day. We use a prescription strength numbing cream to soothe the area, and the micro injections help minimize swelling and discomfort. Are you interested in learning how you can have the profile you’ve always dreamed of, without the bandages? Come talk to us today! You can find information on our website, drrobertkotlermd.com, or visit our office in Beverly Hills today.